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- publications | Stability
PUBLICATIONS Open House Tel Aviv-Yafo 4.4 meters of exposed concrete A tour of a new building in the Florentine neighborhood, which is only 4.4 meters wide and is built entirely of exposed concrete. Biennale Architettura 2014 – Absorbing Modernity: 1914-2014. Israel An interview with Keren Yeala Golan and Roy Brand at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition (National Participation of Israel: “The Urburb”). Publication: The Urburb – Patterns of Contemporaty Living Written to accompany the minimal exhibition of the Israeli Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.. Telavivian Architects: Ori Scialom/Stability Studio “Tel Aviv is known as planners-hell” says architect Ori Scialom, founder and owner of Stability.. The Urburb. Israeli Pavilion at Venice Architecture Biennale 2014 The Urburb. Patterns of Contemporary Living. Israeli Pavilion at The 14th International Architecture Exhibition,... Venice Biennale 2014: Israel Explores The Urburb, a Neither Urban nor Suburban Landscape Neither urban nor suburban, the Urburb is a fragmented mosaic of one hundred years of modernist..
- Menora 6-12 | Stability
Menora 6-12 Residence and commerce 2024 Giv'atayim 70 units Licensing A commercial and residential project located in Giv'atayim city close to Heil HaAvir Garden. Contains about 70 new apartments. And it has a patio that serves as an inner courtyard.
- Ibn Gabirol 177-181 | Stability
Ibn Gabirol 177-181 Residence and commerce 2024 Tel Aviv 70 units Licensing A commercial and residential project located on the main road of Ibn Gabirol not far from the HaMedina square. Contains about 70 new apartments. And it has a patio that serves as an inner courtyard.
- Frenkel 76 | Stability
Frenkel 76 New Residential Building 2016 Tel Aviv 636 sqm Complete A new building in the Florentin neighbourhood. The design faced a limited and narrow lot, and the ability to maintain a residential structure that includes all the systems needed in such a space cell, while fitting the complex planning reality in Israel, which requires protected spaces and strict safety procedures. The project questions the possible limits in this framework, without losing qualities in the living spaces. photography: Tamir Rogowski
- Biennale Architettura 2014 – Absorbing M | Stability
Biennale Architettura 2014 – Absorbing Modernity: 1914-2014. Israel An interview with Keren Yeala Golan and Roy Brand at the 14th International Architecture Exhibition (National Participation of Israel: “The Urburb”).
- Venice Biennale 2014: Israel Explores Th | Stability
Venice Biennale 2014: Israel Explores The Urburb, a Neither Urban nor Suburban Landscape Neither urban nor suburban, the Urburb is a fragmented mosaic of one hundred years of modernist planning in Israel : early twentieth century garden-cities, mid-century social housing and generic, high-rise residential typologies of the past two decades. These residential mutations dominate the contemporary Israeli landscape, expanding and replacing existing textures, in an endless, repetitive cycle. The driving force in the planning and building of the new country was essentially anti-urban. From the first Jewish settlements of the nineteenth century, the city was never an option. The initial Sharon Master Plan from 1951 aimed at dislocating the urban centers and spreading the population into numerous readymade towns, often built in rural areas. These sparsely populated New Towns often adopted arbitrary building plans lacking any form of street life. The Sharon Plan attempted to accelerate a long-term historical process in one heroic decade. Indeed, over four hundred towns were quickly erected according to the Plan’s guidelines. This top-down approach is emblematic not only of the Zionist ideal of centralized planning, but also of the modernist desire to constantly reshape and reinvent the present. Israel’s hybrid landscape manifests the conflicting demands of the modernist machine: to create small egalitarian communities while accommodating large and diverse populations, to spread-out while closing in, and to reconnect to the land but through a planning system that treats the surface as a blank sheet of paper. Urburb, a neologism referring to the contemporary mesh of urban and suburban sprawl, is more than an architectural phenomenon, it is a state of mind and a form of life. Today, in the wake of one hundred years of modernism, it is time to explore its dynamics and understand the life it has fostered. The installation explores these themes not only through the data displayed but also through its performative affect. The visitor enters a modernist construction site, filled with automatic machines that sketch on sand, erase, and sketch again. Each scenario takes about three to five minutes, and every printer presents a few scenarios grouped under one theme—overplanning, evolution of buildings, pattern language, and erase and print dynamics. READ MORE >> : http://www.archdaily.com/486059/the-israel-pavilion-at-the-2014-venice-biennale-urburb-neither-urban-nor-suburban
- Rosh Pina 2-4 | Stability
Rosh Pina 2-4 Residential Buildings 2016 Tel Aviv 2300 sqm Before execution Planning for two new residential buildings in the Central Station area
- Mints 39-45 | Stability
Mints 39-45 New residential building 2023 Petah Tikva 10,000 sqm Licensing Demolition and rebuilding of two buildings in Mints street, Petah Tikva.
- Israelis 9 | Stability
Israelis 9 Addition to a Preservation Building 2014-2016 Tel Aviv 1040 sqm Complete A non aggravated preservation building in the UNESCO declaration”of the white city area, in central Tel Aviv. The building has nine housing units on three existing floors plus an attic and basement. Additional zinc cladding at consistent verticals intervals of 30 cm-in the upper walls, above the existing structure,, which is coated with traditional lime-based plaster, creates a clear distinction that transmits modernity of volume and material cleanliness, while maintaining modesty and appreciation for an existing memory.
- Competition for a university campus | Stability
Competition for a university campus Competition 2021 Tel Aviv 10,000 sqm Proposal University Campus Design Competition. The proposal brings planning using a repetitive module that allows for minimal damage to the existing trees and the urban fabric at the site, with maximum flexibility and the possibility of future expansion.